This is how a morning in Berlin looks like, not much to say about it.
Today, as every Thursday, Betahaus breakfast takes place, people introduce themselves that 3 startups present their project, idea, etc.
I must say that when I arrived I felt tired, so was more focused in getting a coffee than anything else, so now I don’t remember the first two presentations but for sure I remember the third one Hackerfleet.
I found the idea amazing 🙂 . Their mission as their write it in their web is:
We develop opensource hardware and software for unmanned and manned vessels on all waters. We develop publicly and transparent, our repositorys are open for you.
Betahaus breakfast are a good moment to find other people to work with, to check new ideas coming but also generates a bit of noise 🙂 … so at some point is time to move to the next door room.
Time to create some more migrations, associations, and write some tests, the idea to get the basic data model done, even if it’s a too basic one.
At midday the next Rails Q&A session was going to take place. This week a thread was open on the hackership forum, so we could leave our questions there, trying to structure a bit more the sessions, so we can get the most of them.
So we started with initializers, so time to check config/application.rb, config/enviroment.rb, conversation that led us to understand what is a gem. In between RVM comes up, and checking their website it looks like they need support to keep up the project, since their sponsorship is coming to an end on November 4th. With rvm we checked where are the gemsets located, how versioning works which, of course, led us to a new thing, semantic versioning , oh yes!! the neverending learning process!! It was a nice session 🙂
Back to testing, migrations, rails guides, red-green-red-red-red-green.
Some of the tests look like this
require 'spec_helper'
describe Location do
before :each do
@location = =>”Betahaus”, :address => “Prinzessinnenstrassee 19-20”)
it ‘should have a name’ do be_present
it ‘should be invalid if it has no name’ do
@location =
@location.should_not be_valid
it ‘should have an address’ do
@location.address.should be_present
it ‘includes events’ do
event1 = => ‘Event1’, :day =>
event2 = => ‘Event2’, :day =>
location = => ‘lala’, events: [event1, event2]) include(event1)
location.should have(2).events
By the end of the day the data model done with TDD looks like this
The day comes to an end, time to present what we’ve done during the week, in the back of our mind, the post-its that reflect the goals that we had. Because of course there cannot be a group process that is succesful without post-its!! :-), so here is our “board”.
Monday we’ll see if we actually achieved what we wanted.
RT @carolina: Time flies and #hackership ‘s second week is gone!! @hacker_ship
Time flies and #Hackership’s second week is gone!
RT @OpPinkPower: Time flies and #Hackership’s second week is gone!