TweetA new year has started, 2014. I wanted to write during the Xmas holidays many of the pending posts that I have in mind, but of course, going back home, enjoying being with family and friends, eating, drinking and talking a lot, does not set writing posts as a priority 😀 One of the topics…
Category: experiencias
Creating a plugin in DeepaMehta #hackership
TweetThe day that I’m able to write properly DeepaMehta in the first try, will be amazing!! Anyway, the thing is that in hackership I’m building a webcalendar as a petproject to learn more ruby & rails, but one of my goals at some point of my learning process is to work with graph databases and…
Global Day of Code Retreat 2013 #gdcr13 #hackership
TweetLast 14th of December was the Global Day of Code Retreat 2013. I came to know about Code Retreat this summer, in one of the session done with our coach during the RGSoC, actually the last one. I had no idea about the format, and also though explained at first I did not completely get…
Evaluation of #hackership
TweetHackerships experience has been amazing and in every amazing experience one has also to evaluate things once it’s over. The good thing about evaluation is to better understand the processes in which you took part, to learn from them and also see how can they be improved, of course everything from a very personal experience,…
#hackership Batch-0 comes to an “end”. Stay tuned!
TweetEverything has an end, or changes its state. That is what is happening with hackership, the everyday life comes to an end, but for sure is not the end, that is just not an option. The day started as always, or at least I suppose, the last day I did not feel like working, I…