TweetAlmost two weeks ago, around 20 people were thrown out of the Lager at #Bornitzstr102. Many people will think, that is a bitter pill to swallow but things will go back to normal. The thing is that there is nothing normal about living in a Lager. After the company moved the people to the “new”…
Author: admin
Geld automat
TweetNada alrededor, en mitad de un descampado, en mitad de una valla, colocan un cajero automático. Prioridades del mundo actual.
Eviction day at #Bornitzstr102 : the true face of “human rights”, “democracy”, “justice” and “freedom”
TweetYesterday night, I went to visit my friends at #Bornitzstr102, with another friend, somehow I needed to share with someone what the last 2 weeks have been for people at the Lager. When trying to get in, yesterday, the security told me, no they cannot receive visits, they are going to be expelled, they have…
Between embarrassment and disgust of what’s going on at #Bornitzstr102 Lager #Berlin
TweetIn the evening, I decided to go out and take a bit of fresh air, so I went to visit my friends at #Bornitzstr102 Lager. Is not too far, and what they are going through there deserves some company and everybody to know. That people are invisible in a country just because is not their…
UPDATED: One week of harassment at #Bornitzstr102 Lager #Berlin
TweetNow is one whole week, since the people at Bornitzstr 102 Lager have suffered daily harassment from the workers and management of PeWoBe company. The ways have been multiple, from the basics of not giving them food, to waking up early in the morning saying they had to leave and that there things would be…